It’s time for you all to meet Trapital creator Dan Runcie if you haven’t already. He’s a writer with a knack for informing readers on the inner workings of business within the hip-hop industry. Dan started his writing career by drafting think pieces on Medium, which opened the door to working with a handful of leading publications.
In 2018, Dan ventured out on his own to create Trapital, emailing weekly updates on industry power moves and players. The New York Times, NPR, and CNBC have featured Dan’s unique insight and mentioned his newsletter with over 10K email subscribers.
@RuncieDan grew from Medium thought pieces to build his own content business about the hip-hop industry. #contententrepreneur #newsletter #hiphop Share on XRecently, Trapital launched a service where subscribers pay $100 annually or $10 a month for access to more content and discussion forums. He continues to send free weekly memos to non-paying subscribers.
Why we’re a Stan: While the business of hip-hop isn’t readily discussed, Dan knew there was a need for that sought-after information and launched his content business. We’re also thrilled to see Dan is building his new subscription service on his own platform.
About the author
Shameyka McCalman is a wordsmith whose work often centers around fashion, art, and other creatives of color. She earned her communications degree from the University of Massachusetts Boston and enjoys sifting through clothes in local vintage shops, frequenting nearby plays, and gazing at exhibitions on view in museums.