Xenos Group, Inc. has announced the launch of GoXML.com, a new Web site providing resources, tools, and tips designed to help developers quickly solve data integration challenges, accelerate data transformation projects, and streamline the conversion of transactional information from existing disparate systems.

The GoXML Transform engine is deployed within a Java application, as a Web service, or as a transactional server to meet the critical needs of each development project. GoXML Transform Designer provides advanced visual data mapping and allows users to graphically configure data transformations without the need for custom programming. GoXML Transform Designer has more than 90 built-in functions to enable developers to: build transformations within an intuitive visual environment; focus on mapping data elements and structures, not coding; generate standard XML instantly from any EDI data input; integrate business processes by mapping complex data formats including EDI, AL3, HL7, SWIFT, ACORD, COBOL, CSV, flat text, XML, and XBRL; reduce errors through automated data type validation; and integrate data with existing information systems and databases. GoXML Transform Designer runs on Windows NT, 2000 and XP, as well as Solaris, OS 390, and Linux platforms supporting developers in small, medium, and enterprise organizations. GoXML Transform Designer is available now starting at $699 per user.

(www.goxml.com; www.xenos.com)

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