Documentum, a provider of enterprise content management (ECM) software, has announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected the Documentum ECM platform as the standard for records management and document management applications throughout the entire agency. The EPA currently uses the Documentum ECM platform across a number of its ten regions and 15 laboratories, and plans to extend the use of Documentum to all of its locations, to manage citizen and business interactions with the government. The EPA is the second federal agency to standardize on the Documentum platform this year, joining the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which standardized on Documentum for creation, management, delivery, and archival of all types of content, including records, Web content, documents, and the results of collaborative efforts.
The EPA initially deployed the Documentum ECM platform in May 2002 to support EDOCKET, a Web-based, electronic docket system that is intended to enhance the public’s ability to participate in the Agency’s rulemaking process. Based on EPA’s success with the Documentum-based EDOCKET system, Documentum has been selected as the model for a federal government-wide docket management system accessible to the public and all Federal agencies. This system is currently under development as part of the eRulemaking Initiative–an interagency egovernment effort managed by EPA and affecting the entire federal government.