H.W. Wilson has announced that a new 19th edition of Children’s Catalog is currently available on WilsonWeb and in print. Children’s Catalog presents a collection of fiction and nonfiction works, story collections, picture books, graphic novels, and magazines recommended for readers in preschool through sixth grade, selected by a panel of librarians and specialists in children’s services. Titles encompass a full range of subjects of interest–from topics that complement classroom curricula, to books that encourage independent reading among children–offering educators and librarians help with collection development; curriculum support; selection and purchasing; readers’ advisory; and general reference. Analytical records are designed to expand the usefulness of the Catalog, with listings of titles in collections or anthologies. Children’s Catalog also offers a selection of professional resources for educators and librarians.
On WilsonWeb, recommended titles are added daily–without the wait for annual print supplements. The database also brings subscribers more content (all the content of the Nineteenth Edition plus an archive from the previous edition), and versatile searching by a range of parameters. Entries link to full text book reviews, review excerpts and citations, plus holdings information from the library’s OPAC. Librarians can even configure the database to automatically email educators information on new resources in their specialty as titles are added to the database, using Dewey Decimal Number searches and WilsonWeb’s Selective Dissemination of Information alert feature. A WilsonWeb subscription is also designed to facilitate simultaneous searching with other Wilson Standard Catalogs and other WilsonWeb databases in libraries that serve children, such as Readers’ Guide Full Text. On WilsonWeb, users can search over 10,000 titles in all, and will find books on science, technology, and the social sciences.
Libraries that subscribe to the electronic edition can save 50% on a subscription to the print edition. Savings are also available with the “5-Pack” Standard Catalogs subscription on WilsonWeb (Children’s Catalog, Public Library Catalog, Senior High School Library Catalog, Middle and Junior High School Library Catalog, and Fiction Catalog), and the new “3-Pack” for school libraries (Children’s Catalog, Middle and Junior High School Library Catalog, and Senior High School Library Catalog).