Atypon has announced its acquisition of two authoring platforms – Authorea and Manuscripts – enabling the company to provide free HTML-first authoring and collaboration tools for researchers. Already used by over 200,000 researchers across the globe, these tools enable researchers to write, cite, collaborate, host data, and publish.

The coming months will see Atypon combining the best of Authorea and Manuscripts into a new, re-engineered, open-source authoring tool. The new product will enable a community of researchers and technologists at to collaborate to create the next generation of scholarly authoring and document formatting solutions.

Atypon’s new authoring product will help researchers automatically follow publishers’ formatting guidelines, and offer publishers a modern web-first format and tools to integrate into JATS/XML- and PDF-based publishing pipelines. The new product will be available for integration by all publishers, platforms, and other researcher tools.

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