Latasha Peterson’s story is really meta. She turned her side hustle into her full-time content business. And her full-time content business – Arts and Budgets – teaches other creative types how to profit from their side hustles, get down their debt, and other financially focused advice.

@artsandbudgets is a #contentbusiness that helps creative people find profitable side hustles. #contententrepreneur Share on X

“With a background in musical theater and singing,  I have always loved finding the best side hustles to make money,” she writes on her site, Arts and Budgets. Her self-created side gig of blogging led to over 100K monthly readers and eight income streams, including courses, that earn her over $5K a month, according to Acorns’ Grow blog.

Among her advice? Write down your goals. She started with four for her blog, serving content, writing at least once a week, growing her email list to 5K, and earning at least $1K by her second year. She saw the value and now sets weekly goals too to make the big goals seem more manageable.

#ContentEntrepreneur success tip: Write down your big goals and your weekly goals, says @artsandbudgets. #creatoreconomy #blogger Share on X

Why we’re a Stan: While The Tilt founder Joe Pulizzi isn’t an advocate of using the phrase “side hustle,” he is a big believer in writing down your goals. The act of writing the goals – and regularly reading them – is a proven differentiator between successful entrepreneurs and less-than-thriving entrepreneurs.

About the author

Ann regularly combines words and strategy for B2B, B2C, and nonprofits, continuing to live up to her high school nickname, Editor Ann. An IABC Communicator of the Year and founder of G Force Communication, Ann coaches and trains professionals in all things content. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.