Ranker.com, a ranking platform, has launched Ranker Insights, a new audience insights platform that leverages over seven years’ worth of polling data from the company’s Top 50 Quantcast-ranked site. Ranker Insights allows marketers and media buyers to discover deep and psychographic insights into consumer audiences and otherwise unseen relationships between consumer preferences surrounding a vast range of individuals, media, and brands.
In creating Ranker Insights, Ranker says it has leveraged millions of data points to create B2B partnerships with a range of networks, production companies, movie studios and music labels across all platforms. Supporting Ranker Insights will be a full concierge service, enabling the company to assist clients directly, guiding them through a set of customized data queries designed to provide the most valuable and on-point results. Additionally, Ranker will offer the free tool to the public, allowing them to discover new relationships and trends among the celebrities and media they’re most passionate about.
Ranker Insights says it generates unique and comprehensive data profiles of thousands of actors, movies, celebrities, TV series, musicians, video games, politicians, athletes and even popular restaurants and companies. Each profile not only includes demographic popularity (broken down by age, sex and geographic region) within its global audience, but an extensive series of lists detailing the overlap in fan preferences with hundreds of other films, TV shows, stars, etc.