Name With the Face: Mia Quagliarello

Job Title: Head of Curation

Organization: Flipboard


Job Function

As head of curation for Flipboard–which allows users to easily create, edit, and share magazines using content from the web–Mia Quagliarello works to make great content easily discoverable to readers all over the world. “When news breaks, we curate magazines that go deep into current events, with content from different platforms and media types. We might include articles from The New York Times and the BBC, prominent tweets, photos on Instagram, and videos from YouTube,” Quagliarello says. She also manages Flipboard’s company blog, for which she sometimes gets to interview thought-leaders and celebrities, including Larry King and Jessica Alba. “I also contribute to our social media posts, and create tutorial videos that explain how to use Flipboard,” Quagliarello says.

In a Day’s Work

“Every day I program cool magazines in the By Our Readers area of the Content Guide and add to our ‘best of’ magazine, Flipboard Picks,” Quagliarello says. A typical day might also have her writing a blog post, refreshing Flipboard’s Content Guide, checking in with international editors, or sitting with a product manager to understand new product features. “I pretty much pogo between my laptop, my tablet, and my smartphone all day, with occasional breaks for meetings with our community, marketing, partnership, and product teams,” she says.

Most Memorable Customer Encounter

“Our office used to be in an art gallery in Palo Alto, on a street with a lot of foot traffic, and people would just pop their heads into the office and say how much they loved the product.”

View From the Desk

“We have a very open office space in an old biscuit factory in Palo Alto, and the team works side-by-side on long white tables. I face a wall on which we have pictures of prominent magazine curators who helped us launch Flipboard 2.0.”

Outside Interest 

“I have two young kids who light up my life. I also love music, especially bass-heavy dance music. I constantly feed my music-oriented Flipboard magazines Riddim Freak and Electric NRG, as well as Eargasms, which I curate with music-loving friends.”

If Not Econtent, Then What?

“I would hope to be retired, to enjoy life with my family and friends. Maybe write a book and check off new experiences from my life list-of course, I’ve got a Flipboard magazine for that.”