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repubHub is an innovative content network enabling anyone to reuse and republish content from world-class publishers. repubHub also empowers publishers with a syndication platform to safely and easily license content to others. repubHub is produced by, an EContent 100 company for the past eight years.

Content Curation and Republishing:

Bloggers, editors, and marketers use repubHub to supplement their original content with rights-cleared news and features. repubHub is free to search, and anyone can monitor unlimited topics and receive feeds of fresh content—daily or as the news is published. Most of the content can be republished as an embed for free, with options for other license types.
Users of WordPress who deploy the free iCopyright Toolbar plugin receive fresh, tailored, license-ready content directly in their Posts menu, making republishing a two-click process. Users of any other content management system are notified of fresh content via email and can quickly republish full articles to their sites with just a few clicks.
All content licensed via repubHub mimics the format of the site where it is republished, while maintaining the branding and attribution of the original publisher.

Representative contributors to repubHub include:

Financial Post
International Business Times
Investor’s Business Daily
The Washington Times
United Press International

Content Syndication:

For publishers seeking new reach and revenue, repubHub is the ideal syndication and licensing service. Licensed content is rendered with fidelity to your original and is presented with your branding, links, copyright notice, and your terms of use

4742 42nd Avenue SW Suite 615
Seattle, WA 98116
United States
(206) 484-8561

About the author