JANUARY 10, 2025


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7 Tips for Writing a Book To Expand Your Revenue Streams

Writing a quality nonfiction book doesn’t involve asking ChatGPT to turn your thoughts and notes into a tome. Writing a book that attracts an audience to buy it and prospective clients to be impressed by it requires the work of a human.

To help you do that, we asked some authors who produced their books through Tilt Publishing to share their tips. Here are the first seven:

1. Do it. Don’t wait. Everyone has a topic they want the world to understand, and it is so very validating to prove to yourself that the idea has merit. – Jenny Magic, Change Fatigue: Flip Teams From Burnout to Buy-In

2. Commit to writing in small/manageable chunks of time. The first words/drafts might be rubbish. It doesn’t matter. You’ll find your groove and your voice by writing. As William Zinsser says, we write to learn. – Alexandra Howson, WriteCME Roadmap: How to Thrive in Continuing Medical Education with No Experience, No Network, and No Clue

3. Have an outline to start.Pam Didner, The Modern AI Marketer in the GPT Era: How to Get Ahead with AI and Advance Your Digital Marketing Skills

4. Remember that you don’t know what the book will become, even if you have an outline. Don’t fall into the trap of editing for quality until you know that part of the manuscript will even survive all the cuts you’ll make. I wasted months editing bits and pieces before I had clarity on what the book needed to be. Write for that discovery first. Edit for quality second. – Austin L. Church, Free Money: Nine Counterintuitive Moves for Life-Changing Freelance Income

5. The biggest thing I found is that writing a book is simply about “time in the lab.” Even when I didn’t feel like writing, I knew that if I sat down in front of my computer and started working, I would be “good.” So, for me, it was just a matter of getting started. Flow state follows the action of starting; make it about the daily action of working on the manuscript, even for 10 minutes, if that’s all you have. – Michael Becker, Content Capitalist: How to Create a Content Business so Exclusive Customers Beg to Buy (and Never Want to Leave)

6. Start earlier than you think you need to.Brian Piper, Epic Content Marketing for Higher Education: How to Connect with Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Others to Build Trust and Reach Your Institutional Goals

7. Anyone can do this. I feel like a lot of people don’t have confidence in themselves to write a book, or they don’t know what to write about. Everyone is a subject matter expert in something. You just have to find your “zone of genius” and begin thinking about how a book could complement your overall personal brand or business strategy. I would not recommend using a ghostwriter if you’re SERIOUS about this. It has to come from you. – Michael Becker

Ann Gynn

Read the full article to get six more tips, from practical to thought-provoking, from these authors.

Ready to start your first (or next) nonfiction book? Reply to this email or explore The Tilt Publishing hub.

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things to know

  • Spot on: Spotify launched its partner program for creators in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. Eligible creators on the platform can earn audience-driven payouts from Spotify Premium video engagement and monetize via ads in Spotify Free. [Spotify]
    Tilt Take: Video podcasts are attracting more attention in business models because more listeners are turning into (or starting as) viewers.
  • Sunny start: Bluesky, the X alternative, is now valued at around $700M and is growing its investor base. That’s because its user base grew to 25.9M from 3M users within the year, with its biggest growth coming after the 2024 presidential election. [Business Insider]
    Tilt Take: Claim your handle on Bluesky and explore to see if it could work well as the next platform for your content business.
  • Red(dit) makes data: Reddit’s new Pro Trends tool lets users track real-time conversations about brands, products, and industry trends, monitor discussions across 100K “smart” keywords, visualize conversation volumes across Reddit communities, and more. [Search Engine Land]
    Tilt Take: That’s a treasure trove of data to explore so you can better understand what your audience is talking about.
Tech and Tools
  • Snip it good: YouTube Studio now lets creators cut segments from long-form videos on the platform and instantly publish them as individual 16:9 videos. [YouTube]
    Tilt Take: Repackaging published content is always a smart strategy.
And Finally
  • Strange bedfellows: Meta thinks people want more politics in their Facebook and Instagram feeds, so it’s changing content moderation policies. [Social Media Today]
    Tilt Take: Really?

business of content

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